Conditions / Injuries

Frisco’s Choice for Comprehensive Chiropractic Care for Common Conditions and Injuries

At The Craft Chiropractic in Frisco, TX, we specialize in providing effective chiropractic care to address a wide range of conditions and injuries. Our experienced chiropractors use holistic and non-invasive techniques to help you find relief, improve your mobility, and enhance your overall well-being. Call (972) 607-9993 to request an appointment.

Neck Pain

Whether your neck pain is due to poor posture, muscle tension, or an injury, chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate discomfort, reduce muscle tightness, and restore proper alignment.

Low Back Pain

Chiropractic care is renowned for its effectiveness in treating lower back pain. Our chiropractors can target the root cause of your pain and provide personalized treatment to promote healing and pain relief.

Headaches and Migraines

Chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate tension in the neck and spine, which often contributes to headache and migraine symptoms. Many patients experience reduced frequency and intensity of headaches with regular chiropractic care.

Trouble Sleeping

Improved spinal alignment through chiropractic adjustments can positively impact sleep quality. By addressing discomfort and promoting relaxation, you may find it easier to get a good night's rest.

Shoulder Pain

Chiropractic care can be beneficial for various shoulder issues, such as rotator cuff injuries and frozen shoulder. We focus on enhancing joint function and reducing inflammation to alleviate pain.

Elbow Pain

Conditions like tennis elbow or golfer's elbow can benefit from chiropractic care. We use gentle techniques to relieve pain and improve joint mobility.

Joint Pain (Knees, Feet, and Ankles)

Chiropractic adjustments can help with joint pain in the knees, feet, and ankles by improving alignment, reducing inflammation, and increasing blood flow to affected areas.


Sciatica is often caused by compression of the sciatic nerve. Chiropractic care aims to alleviate this compression, reduce pain, and improve mobility.


Auto accidents can lead to whiplash injuries. Chiropractic care can assist in restoring proper neck and spine alignment, reducing inflammation, and relieving pain associated with whiplash.

Sports Injuries

Athletes frequently turn to chiropractic care for injury prevention and recovery. Our team can help you regain peak performance and reduce the risk of future injuries.

Auto Injuries

If you've been involved in an auto accident, chiropractic care can be an essential part of your recovery. It can help with pain management, mobility, and healing.

If you're experiencing any of these conditions or injuries, or if you have questions about how chiropractic care can benefit you, call (972) 607-9993.

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